The purpose of this race is to bring the community together to impact the violence in our communities. The idea that we can bring a couple hundred residence together to run for change is our hope. Violence is a symptom of poverty and mental illness. we want to raise money and use those funds to do additional programs in poor underserved communities. We also will use a portion of the proceeds as part of a gun buy back program that we plan to grow. We want the impact of 100s of Macon citizens wearing the t-shirt fr0m this rally. It will say stop the violence and on the back it will show the organization partners and a list of all the murder victims from last year. In 2020 we hit a new record for murders in the city of Macon.
Macon Stop The Violence 5k & Rallly
13 11月, 2021 (周六) - 09:00
5 千米