您有49 周的准备时间
21 km Walkathon
21 千米
21 km
21.097 千米
42 km
42.195 千米

Ottimo percorso le condizioni meteo non ci hanno agevolato perché pioveva

My first half marathon and what a great experience. Thanks for a well planned event!
First 21km run in my life and the route was very well set out and the view was amazing!
Suport and stands along the route was well planned! Thanks

It took a very long time to get the bib and race packet. It conteined a booklet with really small letters that it was hardly to read. The race tshirt did not arrived in time. The organizers found it impossible to post later. We got 5 euro back. We were trasported to the start by bus where we arrived 1 hour before. It was really windy. There were many tolilets - OK. The first part in Mdina we went through narrow streetrs - it would be better to start in waves. The refreshment contained good quality water in small plastic bottles and Powerrade, once orange. For me it was ok, but comperaring with other races not much. The starff at the refreshment ponts made very good work. The rout was nice but the route was not closed to traffic, so we inhaled the smog of traffic. There were many photographers but i dont have hinisher photo (i wore the bib properly and checked all the photoes) as i remember there was one photographer in the finish area who took photos of the viewers. So alltogether the organizers were enthusiastic but many mistakes that resulted to my opinion.

Très bonne organisation et accueil bien sympathique. Le parcours n'est cependant pas exceptionnel, des petites routes, très peu de spectateurs sur le parcours. A part de l'eau et du powerade, rien, sinon une banane à l'arrivée ! Dommage

I had always wanted to go to Malta, so running a marathon on the island on the 24th of February 2018 was a perfect reason to go spend a week on the magical Island.
I arrived on the island a few days ahead of race day as usual just to have a feel of the city. The weather was perfect for running and I was looking forward to the race.
Then the tables turned on race day eve.
I had collected my Running Bib and was heading to a restaurant to meet other members of my club for carbo loading when the high speed winds began to come in. The sea was roaring. I was close to the restaurant so I quickly took refuge there as the winds made to sweep me off my feet. Wojtek, my club member who had flown in from Poland was stuck at the Nike Office of the Malta Organizers, he couldn’t make it to the carbo loading meeting. Liam, another club member who had flown in from Ireland, made it to the carbo loading restaurant and relayed how bad it was outside. Wojteck called several to give updates about what was happening at the race office. “They are at a meeting, looks like the race will be cancelled” he reported.
Liam and I were disappointed. We belong to the Marathon Globetrotter Club and we are all counting countries. Malta was supposed to be my 52nd lifetime marathon and the 42nd country in which I had run!
The storm was gathering more force and I was almost swept off my feet several times as I tried to get to the bus stop after our meal. I decided there and then I wasn’t going to run the race even if the Organizers didn’t cancel.
I got to my hotel safely which was next door to the race office and wojtek was still at the race office waiting for news. Eventually, the word was out “Race is cancelled but you can come over for your Medal” he said.
I was already in bed, so I just put my coat over my night gown and struggled to the race office fighting the wind. Wojtek and I quickly took a photo with our Medals and heard other people talking about running the race on Monday if the weather was better.
That was a fantastic idea. I was all for it. A Facebook group was set up and we made all our plans as the storm came in.
The weather was perfect on Monday. We came out in our race vests and country flags and did the distance.
“Now I have earned my medal” I said to myself
I am grateful to the organizers for taking the best decision of cancelling the race.
I will be back in 2020 to complete my unfinished business in Malta
The race was cancelled

Great start and finish: Mdina and Valletta. Unfortunately roads are open to traffic (50% of race) and no fruit at the refreshments.

I did the half marathon. Well organised event

The weather was really hard but I really enjoyed my first challenge of Half Marathon! Amazing! Thanks Malta! ありがとう🥰

i trully enjoy it despite the heavy rain. the routte was fantastic, thank you Malta team, you did a great job.
i liked the downhill idea - fast yet so pretty. enjoyed it very much.

Nice Run

Running and organizing

I ran the Malta Marathon for the first time in 2020. The organization was fine, I thought. The line to get the starting materials at the hotel was annoying, but the whole process lasted not much more than an hour. Transportation to the start line was early but fine. The course was slightly downhill most of the time, except near the end, when there were some small up hill passages. I thought the toilet situation was adequate at the starting line, but I didn’t see any toilets along the route itself. There were enough water stations. The only thing that really bothered me was that there were sections of the course in which the cars were not blocked off. It was actually quite dangerous, I thought. Most of the cars were respectful, but not all. We had great weather and were able to make a very nice long weekend vacation out of this marathon. I would definitely recommend it to someone looking for a winter marathon in a nice place.

The run starts in the beautiful city of Mdina and leads - after a few loops - to Sliema. The course offers a beautiful view of Mdina, but also many hilly and windy parts. Do not expect to achieve your personal best here. Instead, listen to the great voices of the numerous bands along the route. A detailed report in German can be found here: www.Marathon-Tourist.de --- Der Lauf beginnt in der schönen Stadt Mdina und führt - nach einigen Schleifen - nach Sliema. Der Kurs bietet eine schöne Aussicht auf Mdina, aber auch viele hügelige und windige Teile. Erwarten Sie nicht, hier Ihre persönliche Bestleistung zu erreichen. Hören Sie stattdessen den großartigen Stimmen der zahlreichen Bands am Streckenrand zu. Ein ausführlicher Bericht in deutscher Sprache ist hier zu finden: www.Marathon-Tourist.de

Vremea a fost minunată, concurs foarte bine organizat ,am fost impresionat de atmosfera creată de formațiile de muzică de pe marginea traseului !

Great route well marshalled. However (no fault of the organisers) for the first time ever in an event I received obscene abuse from motorist on 3 separate occasions that seemed to take interest in my large body size,