TRITON 3 Rio de Janeiro
50 千米, 100 千米, 150 千米
10 千米, 20 千米, 30 千米
1 千米, 2 千米, 3 千米
3 千米
150 千米
30 千米
2 千米
100 千米
20 千米
1 千米
50 千米
10 千米
Swim 1K
1 千米
Swim 2K
2 千米
Short Triathlon
1 千米
50 千米
10 千米
1 千米自行车
50 千米跑步
10 千米
Middle Triathlon
2 千米
100 千米
20 千米
2 千米自行车
100 千米跑步
20 千米
Long Triathlon
3 千米
150 千米
30 千米
3 千米自行车
150 千米跑步
30 千米
Swim 3K
3 千米
Bike 100K
100 千米
Bike 150K
150 千米
Bike 50K
50 千米
Run 10K
10 千米
Run 20K
20 千米
Run 30K
30 千米
In the 3 days event is hard to highlight a specific part of the course, but here's a few reasons to race. Portobello Resort has a fantastic location with a great beach and many leisure spaces for the whole family. All Triton´s athletes have great discounts on the fare to enjoy the week there. It is a fantastic location with a great beach and all-inclusive restaurants. The fact that you get a chance to focus on one event on each day, and the fact that you can chose to do just one of the days is a highlight in it self. Triple the experience, triple the fun, triple the reasons to go. The finisher medal is a treat on it self and it is made of 3 independent medals, one for each day, but that come together to form a Mandala Medal, making a unique 3 days trophy!