UPDATE: The course is marked! Go check it out and get some pre-rides in before the race!
The Dam Arcadia 66 Race Cat 3 course - https://www.strava.com/segments/36619367
The Dam Arcadia 66 Race Cat 1 & 2 course - https://www.strava.com/segments/36459858
Cat 1 & 2 will ride the technical “TOTS Expert Backwards” (4.9 miles per lap)
Cat 1: 5 laps = 24.5 milesCat 2: 4 laps = 19.6 milesCat 3 will ride “Roaster Coaster” and “Yeti or Not” which bypasses “TOTS” (5 miles per lap)
Cat 3: 2 laps = 10 milesCat 1, 2, and 3 will ride Postmortem the first lap and all subsequent laps will ride PTSD (the new gravity trail). It's the same distance but will be a nice variety for the race.
LOCATION: Approximately 1 mile south of Route 66 on S Post Road, enter the park at the Edmond Water Tower. The address listed is approximate, so it may not register in your GPS. Use this address 801 S Post Road, Jones, OK 73007 to get to the water tower. Drive past the bollards and follow the paved road down to the base of the dam. If you are looking at an ariel map, it is the large grass field just East of the Dam.
USAC Rules apply, per 2024 version of USAC Rulebook. USAC MTN license is required for ALL racers. (Excluding Kids Kup ages 4-5). Kids Kup racers 6-12 need a USAC Junior Annual or one-day license. One Day USAC Licenses are available for $15-$35. Annual USAC license required for Cat 1 & 2 TDD series eligibility. 2024 TDD plate required - $10 (free for Kids Kup)
24.5 miles
24.5 米
19.6 miles
19.6 米
10 miles
10 米