The Angels for Anna Have a Heart 5k and fun run is an event for athletes of All abilities: Wheelers, Runners, and Walkers are encouraged to participate. Following the run, food, and awards will be inside the Fairhaven Activity Center (indoor restrooms as well!). Post-run popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy, and cupcakes for registered participants! Sign up now and Do Something Nice, for Someone Else, Every Day!
Registration and check-in will be from 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Race starts promptly at 6:00pm
All registrations through April 25 are guaranteed a t-shirt with the race entry.
Awards: The top 3 Female and Male in age groups: Under 12, (12-17), (18-29), (30-49), (50-69), 70+, Wheelchair Adult, Wheelchair under 18, are awarded hand-made ceramic medals. All those with special needs finishing the event will be awarded a hand-made medal. We ask that you identify individuals with special needs, so that we will know how many medals to create.
All proceeds stay in the Dayton area and support the Angels for Anna mission of "Do Something Nice, for Someone Else, Every Day!". Parent Packs are distributed to parents/guardians of kids experiencing an emergency/unplanned admission to the hospital, meals are provided to the Dayton Ronald McDonald House, and Windchimes are distributed during the Night of Giving to those in the community who are experiencing a tough time through funds raised from the run.
5k Run
3.1 米
1 Mile Fun Run
1 米