Thanksgiving Morning, Thursday, November 28, 2024 8:00 am (rain or shine) Maximum Entries Accepted = 1500 Runners
Sponsored by the North Reading Hornet Hall of Fame Committee.
Proceeds will support 2 scholarships for deserving graduating seniors at NRHS who have participated in the running programs and benefit the North Reading Middle/High School sports program.
5k RACE and 1.75 Mile WALK - both start and finish at the same spot and time.
The event will begin promptly at 8:00 AM. We ask that all participants who are walking to please use the shorter course. The event needs to be done by 9:00 AM in order to be cleaned up and ready for the Thanksgiving Day football game featuring NRHS and Lynnfield, which is played at 10:30 AM.
Race/Walk will start and finish in Ipswich River Park, Central Street
Each school will work to meet the challenge of having 20% of the student body participate on race day.
Each school can earn extra points for having a participant finish 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in your age group.
Pre-register by midnight, 11/10, for lower registration fees & GUARANTEED size for long-sleeve performance t-shirt
(shirts not guaranteed if registering after 11/10/2024)
10 and Under, 11 – 13, 14 – 18, 19 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 59, 60 – 69, 70 and Over
Overall winners of the female and male divisions awarded the Frederick A. Keyes Memorial Award at the end of the race!
Top 2 female/male in all age categories along with the top 2 families (families of 4 runners) win prizes!
Prizewinners will be notified by email/mail.
PRE-RACE BIB PICK UP – North Reading Middle/High School Cafeteria, 189 Park Street Monday, 11/25 (4:00 – 7:00 PM)
A food drive for the North Reading Food Pantry will be held by the North Reading Middle School Early-Act Club
Donations accepted during pre-race number pick-up. Check the NR Food Pantry website for needed items: http://www.nrfoodpantry.org/
Entry Fee:
Students: $20 Pre- registration (through 11/10/2024) $25 Registration (11/11/2024 and later)
Adults: $30 Pre- registration (through 11/10/2024) $35 Registration (11/11/2024 and later)
Family (4-Maximum): $70 Pre- registration (through 11/10/2024) $75 Registration (11/11/2024 and later)
Family (5-6 members): $100 Pre- registration (through 11/10/2024) $105 Registration (11/11/2024 and later)
PLEASE - NO DOGS OR BIKES! There are so many youngsters due to the Elementary School Challenge and not all people are as comfortable around dogs as you may be. Bikes can be unstable, and the roads are NOT closed to traffic.
5 千米
1.75 Mile Walk
1.75 米