Jackson Meadow Cyclocross
30 分钟, 40 分钟, 45 分钟, 55 分钟, 60 分钟
Jackson Meadow Cyclocross is back for 2023 after a short hiatus. This race is being organized and held by a cyclist named Andrew Hanson-Pierre. We want this year's race to be an opportunity for everyone to ride cyclocross and have a positive experience. This race course is unique because it's out in the open and includes all the features of a cyclocross race while making it accessible to spectate nearly all of the course.
Rooted in inclusion, this race is aimed at inviting young and beginning riders. Each skill level will have a Masculine(Mens) field and a Women/Trans/Femme(WTF) category. Manners and race etiquette will be held highly in the effort to ensure bike racing is a safe and encouraging space for riders and spectators.
Prizes and awards(TBD) will be given to top 3 finishers for each category. There will also be awards given to best costume, classiest barrier jump, and “hole shot sprint.”
Volunteers are needed for set up, course maintenance, and course tear down. All volunteers will be compensated in organic produce from Andrew's vegetable farm.
*same day registration will be available as well, but it closes 20 minutes prior to race start. Payments can be made in cash, credit card, or Venmo.
30 min Junior
30 分钟
45 min
45 分钟
60 min
60 分钟
40 min
40 分钟
55 min
55 分钟