Wattfest at Utah Motorsports
49 分钟, 51 分钟, 53 分钟, 55 分钟, 78 分钟, 80 分钟, 88 分钟, 90 分钟
2nd race is $20, register for both at same time online to get discount.
Fields listed with same start time will race together but score separately.
First lap will be neutral while loading all fields onto the course (2 min gaps). Then all fields will race until last lap is called. All fields will finish last lap at the same call. The course is ~ 2.2 mile per lap on the east track, clockwise or counterclockwise (direction TBD). There is slight elevation on each lap. Plan your strategy and finish. After your finish, please take only 1 lap quickly and then exit the course. Download and review the Race Guide for full details.
Day of will be available for $10 more than pre-registraion (cash or Venmo). Come early to allow enough time to complete forms. 2nd race on day of is $25.
90 min
90 分钟
88 min
88 分钟
55 min
55 分钟
53 min
53 分钟
51 min
51 分钟
49 min
49 分钟
80 min
80 分钟
78 min
78 分钟