1-Mile fun run/walk in the Beautiful Pachaug Forest. Space is limited, so sign up today. This run will be hand timed. The run will be on a gravel road is flat and easy. This is a basic no-frills run, and we will run rain or shine. There is one porta-potties, please stop and use one before you arrive.
The proceeds will be shared by The Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Michael Lisnow Respite Center (pending our acceptance). We thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you.
Parking is limited, please carpool. The race is limited to 50 people. Remember, we are sharing the forest with others, so be prepared to see vehicles on the running route.
GPS: 219 Ekonk Hill Road, Vouluntown. This address is for the workshop. Once you enter the park, follow the signs to Chatman Feild.
1- mile Fun Run/Walk
1 米