Join us for the inaugural Holiday Hustle 5K sponsored by the Total Mortgage Community Foundation on Saturday, November 4th 2023.
Run, trot, walk, skip, or jump in on the fun!
We're getting the community together to kick off the holiday season in support of a great cause - Connecticut Foodshare!
Join us in support of our local families in need this holiday season.
Registration cost includes a race t-shirt, limited to first 150 participants. Race bib and shirt pickup will occur race day from 8:00am-9:00am. Note that same-day registration will be on-site only (online registration ends 11/03/2023 at 6:00pm).
This 5K race is timed with results broken down by division.
This event is hosted by the Total Mortgage Community Foundation. Proceeds from the event benefit the Connecticut Foodshare.
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