***Course variations from previous years***
Come enjoy the beautiful back roads of Francestown, NH and surrounding towns. This gravel route has been described as "one of the most beautiful rides I've ever done". It offers a mixture of primarily gravel roads, with a few sections of Class 6 roads, and a smattering of low-traffic pavement (with possibly a small section of single track).
Course will be marked with arrows and cones, and will also be available via Strava and paper maps (I hope!!)
***Course routes will be emailed to all registered riders once preregistration closes***
Registration fee covers entry, on course rest stops and food and beverage at the finish.
Bike wash station will be available
Helmets required
All proceeds of the event will go to the Francestown Old Meeting House to preserve and protect this beautiful building in the center of our wonderful town
Accommodations in the area:
Blue Bear Inn--Francestown, NH--www.bluebearinn.com or (603) 808-0174
Riverhouse --Peterborough, NH--www.stayriverhouse.com or (603) 924-7548
The Greenfield Inn--Greenfield, NH--(603) 547-6327
Spacious Skies Seven Maples Campground--Hancock, NH--www.spaciousskiescampgrounds.com or (603) 525-3321
Open 25 mile
25 米
Open 50 mile
50 米