Start your holiday season with this year's Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot! Community Healthcore Foundation presents its 10th annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. Join our family tradition of a 5K Run/Walk. The race will not be canceled because of weather but other events may cancel. Sign up early to take advantage of the lower fee. Community Healthcore is a non-profit agency that is the local Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Authority for 9 counties in Northeast Texas, including Bowie, Cass, and Red River Counties. Community Healthcore provides mental health services to children and adults, programming for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, substance use disorders, and assisting homeless Veterans. During this pandemic time in our life, mental health services demand is on the rise and is especially needed now. Help us celebrate Texarkana's Original 10th Annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot.
All proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the Community Healthcore Foundation to be used in various forms of client services, unmet needs, and other assistance without a funding source.
Your support is greatly appreciated!