Help us to provide support for an all-volunteer Search and Rescue Team, Pennsylvania Wilderness Search and Rescue (PaWSAR) by providing funding for K9 and ground personnel equipment and training to respond to requested calls by state and local entities for lost persons.
Warminster Community Park, 350 E. Bristol Road, Warminster, PA
Top 1 - 3 male/female in each age group.
Entry: $35.00 + $1.90 Registration fee.
Amenities: Course description(including a map), t shirt, refreshments, water stations, prizes, raffle baskets, 50/50, etc.
Race Results: Race will be professionally timed by the Bryn Mawr Racing Co. Results will be found at http://www.brynmawrracing.com
Questions: Contact:Joslyn Tomlinson, 215-316-6877, [email protected]
5K Run
5 千米
3K Walk
3 千米
Kids 1/2 mile fun run
0.5 米