DC Multisport is proud to announce the 4th Annual Parklands 6-Hour Endurance Relay. This team relay will take place along the scenic paved trails of the Jasper Parklands on Saturday, May 17, 2025.
Similar in concept as the popular relays throughout the nation, this event is comprised of teams rising to a challenge. The challenge of this event is to share the responsibility amongst a team to endure 6-hours of continuous running and to beat the number of loops completed by the other teams. This 6-hour endurance event can be broken down between 1 person team, 2 team members, 4 members, or 6 members.
The course is a 1.6 mile, hilly loop. Each runner can run as many loops at a time based upon that team’s strategy. Running teams can set up their base camp within the designated areas in the northwest parking area of Klubhaus 61 – very close to where teams can transition to a new runner. Teams are encouraged to bring the food and beverages that they would wish to have with them.
Once the 6-hour limit is reached, no runners may enter the course, and timekeeping will begin for any runner still on the course. The teams that complete the most loops in the lowest amount of time in each category will receive an award. The categories are the following:
· Male Individual
· Female Individual
· Top Male Team of 2
· Top Female Team of 2
· Top Co-ed Team of 2
· Top Male Team of 4
· Top Female Team of 4
· Top Co-ed Team of 4
· Top Male Team of 6
· Top Female Team of 6, and
· Top Co-ed Team of 6
After the 6-hours and once all teams have finished their last loop, the award ceremony will be taking place at Retro Mexico. After awards have been given, the teams are encouraged to stick around enjoy the team camaraderie, beverages, and great food!
Proceeds from this event are given to a selected charity. More information on charity selection coming soon.
For questions or more information, contact DC Multisport at 812-482-9115 or visit www.dcmultisport.com.
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