Not Ya Mama's 5K Chili Run
440 码, 5 千米
Saturday, April 13th we will kick off Not Ya Mama's Spring Fling in Calhoun. This event is our yearly fundraiser for scholarships and ongoing renovations to our wellness park. We will begin our day with Not Ya Mama's 5K race at 8:30am and follow up at 9:30 with a kid's only fun run. Runners will complete a circuit beginning at the Calhoun Civic Club on Calhoun Loop Road, pass along Owens, McCain Farm Road, West Ouachita Baseball Road, and complete the race by entering the West Ouachita Wellness Park to take a victory lap on the wellness park track. Meanwhile, cooks from throughout the south will be firing up their pots as we host the 3rd Annual Louisiana State ICS Chili Cookoff Championship. At 11am we will open the park to the public and begin the day's festivities. Chili tasting bands will be available for purchase at that time. Also that day, we've planned a craft/vendors market, live music, and a zone for kids offering games, jumpers, a petting zoo, and up close meetings with area first responders. Hope you can join us for this fun day.
5K Run
5 千米
Kids Fun Run
440 码