Half Marathon BBVA Bancomer Mexico City
Medio Maratón de la Ciudad de México
21.098 千米
您有17 周的准备时间
Half Marathon
21.098 千米

Excellent experience with a very demanding route, I hope repeat this experience in 2024.
Very demanding route

Awesome race, very difficult route. The sights are awesome, but beware that almost half the race is uphill and the last 3-4 km are not in asphalt but in gravel or cobblestone which seems not that important but believe at 18km of hard racing up and down hills you are going to feel it in your legs and lower back. Also take caution of the altitude ( I came to Mexico City two weeks in advance in order to acclimate ). If you want a challenge this is a good race for you, but don't expect to be setting any PB's in this course. The medal is beautiful. They could do with a little better organization of the pre race and a lot more toilets ( People were queuing in the middle of the race so yeah no). But overall awesome race. Also pictures at El Angel de la Independencia are awesome and a must

Buena organización y ambiente

Great race ! Loved the route

Será una mañana fresca y estoy seguro que se disfrutará como las anteriores ediciones. La ruta es sencilla y el paisaje urbano sera deleitable. Espero que la entrega de los kits sea rápida y sin amontonamientos.
Me preparo para debutar en un Maraton, quizá a finales de este año o a mediados del 2020. Quiero llegar a la meta con mis 55 años corriendo 42.1 km sin perder el aliento ni lastimar mi cuerpo.
Vale más llegar entrenado que llegar solo ilusionado.