Join us for our 1st Annual Walk/Run for Wildlife Charity Classic event, where your steps make a difference! Lace up your sneakers & bring your enthusiasm to support the Busch Wildlife Sanctuary and Invited's Employee Care Foundation. Open to Members and your guests!
Don't miss this opportunity to walk or run our beautiful Golf Course at Jupiter Country Club! 5k participants will start at the Sports Clubhouse, make their way through our Golf Course, and finish at the Golf Clubhouse. The Kids Dash will start and finish at the Golf Clubhouse. Each participant will receive a stunning finisher's medal, branded tee-shirt, and continental breakfast at the awards ceremony. We will also be joined by Busch Wildlife Sanctuary Educators as well as animal ambassadors at the event!
The Charity Classic "Walk/Run for Wildlife" funds will go directly to Busch Wildlife Sanctuary's Capital Campaign called "Nurture What's Wild" and Invited's Employee Care Foundation. If you are unable to participate in the event but would still like to make a general donation, please visit Jupiter Country Club's Charity Classic website.
5K Run
5 千米
400 m