Hill Country Trivium Road Race
1 米, 5 千米, 10 千米, 13.1 米, 26.2 米, 50 千米
Sunday, November 3, 2024.
Are you ready for one of the most challenging & amazing road races in all of Texas? The Hill Country Trivium is a set of 50k, full marathon, half marathon (a.k.a. "Thirteener"), 10k & 5k races held in the beautiful Hill Country town of Marble Falls. Each race takes place on a paved surface involving a true "Out & Back" course on country roads with rolling hills, formidable climbs & gorgeous views. All races begin & end at the Marble Falls High School’s Mustang Stadium. In addition to various race perks, all finishers will receive pie from the legendary Bluebonnet Cafe upon crossing the finish line!
While every racer will get some cool swag, October 8 is the deadline to get a shirt.
26.2 米
13.1 米
50 千米
10 千米
5 千米
Hill Country Trivium Youth 1-Mile Run (12 & Under)
1 米