Genesis Battlegreen Run
5 千米, 10 千米
3.1 米
The GenesisHR Battlegreen Run will be celebrating the 29th RUNNING of this race on Sunday, November 3, 2024 in Lexington, MA! Since its inception in 1996, the GenesisHR Battlegreen Run has been established as one of the most popular road race events in New England. This race event is unlike any other racing event from start to finish. Todd Angilly, voice of the Boston Bruins, sends the runners along their way with a stirring rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, accompanied by musket fire, courtesy of the Lexington Minute Men. There is also and optional VIRTUAL run! Sign up, join a team and run your chosen distance wherever you like between 11.3.24 and 11.09.24. Just be sure to post your results no later than 11:59 PM Sunday 11.11.23.
What is included with my virtual registration?
Personalized race BibPersonalized race Certificate of Completion for downloadVirtual on line resultsWho can I contact if I have any questions?
Questions and requests for more information can be directed to the race organizers, [email protected] or [email protected]
Is this a charity race?
Absolutely! 100 percent of registration and donation proceeds go directly to our charity partners.
您有33 周的准备时间
10 km
10 千米
5 km
5 千米
3.1 mi
3.1 米