Brose Night Run Prievidza
1.5 千米, 5 千米, 10 千米
您有26 周的准备时间
5 km
5 千米
10 km
10 千米
Relay 5+5 km
10 千米
Family mile
1.5 千米
10 km (time limit 90 minutes): Urban circuit on a track with a solid asphalt surface without sidewalks and significant elevation. The track has a valid international certificate as well as a certificate of the Slovak Athletics Association (SAZ). The event has the World Athletics Road Race Label. There is an official 5th kilometer split on the track and potential national records are recognized on it. 5 km (time limit 50 minutes): The track is part of the urban circuit of the main run and ends at the fifth kilometer. It is properly certified and recognized by the Slovak Athletics Association. Relay (time limit 90 minutes): The track is part of the urban circuit of the main 10 km run. It is divided into two 5-kilometer sections. Family mile, to the orčula and running with the dog : 1.5 km urban circuit on the one-way streets of the Píly estate with the start and finish at the starting point of the evening run. It is only an accompanying program of the night run and there is no announcement of results in the discipline.