Amicable FarmCoast 5k
The Farmcoast 5k and walk is a scenic 5k through historic Tiverton Four Corners, and along the Sakonnet River organized by the Amicable Congregational Church. Proceeds from this race help support Amicable in its mission to serve our community and beyond with programs such as T.E.A.M., our Thanksgiving Basket Project and other food drives, and in its role as a meeting house to the groups currently using the church’s facilities: Al-Anon, Greater Tiverton Community Chorus, Tiverton Garden Club, the C.O.R.E. after school arts program, and the Tiverton Historical Society.
Check out our website www.amicable5k.com for more information.
Number Pick-up
Participants can pick up their T-Shirts and runners packets on 4/5/2024 from 4:30-6:00PM at Amicable Congregational Church, 3736 Main Road, Tiverton, RI or on the morning prior to the race start behind Tiffany Peay Jewelry, 3851 Main Road, Tiverton, RI, in historic downtown Tiverton.
Long sleeved shirts are included in registration for all participants that register by February 23, 2024.