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Run Off the Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Virtual Race

Em qualquer lugar
26 Nov - 04 Dec, 2021 (Fri - Sat)


5 km, 10 km, 13.1 mi

Sobre o evento

Celebrate Thanksgiving this year with a Turkey Trot at home anywhere, anyplace! We'll send you a shirt that you can wear beyond just Thanksgiving! We'll also send you a Thanksgiving-themed medal. If you sign-up for our premium packet, we'll send you some Pumpkin Spice bites you can share at the Thanksgiving dinner table! With this virtual run, we'll send you a virtual packet with 12 digital tools that'll help make your run awesome! We'll also send you a complete Training plan with an optional Warrior Fit Game to help you train for your race! Run a 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon, Marathon, or any other run distance anywhere, any place on your own time and route. For Full packets, you'll receive a fun item with your Shirt + Medal! You can pick out a custom designed apparel from our Etsy shop to get one of our newest runner designed gear in lieu of our normal packets! Just email us at [email protected] for Custom Running Swag: https://www.etsy.com/shop/thebestraces

Earn our "In This Together" Postcard once you finish your run. 

Or pick your own postcard we have of either your destination or a motivational card below:

If you post your postcard on Social Media and tag 5 friends, we'll send you a free gift!
The Virtual only packet (12 digital tools total) will feature a complete virtual experience sent to your inbox. You'll also be able to:
- Submit times
- Get a certificate of completion
- Get a custom backdrop photo
- Get a digital running journal
- Join our runner pen pal program - Fun Warrior Fit Training Plans for 5K/10K/13.1 - Access to contests and page of hope! - Get a personal digital cheer leader on the day of your run (upon request)  
The Medal Only packet will feature the virtual packet + Medal shipped to your home!  
The Full packet will feature the virtual packet + Large Medal + a Running Shirt + shipped to your home!
The Premium Packet will feature the full packet + pumpkin cake bites!


Distâncias oferecidas por este evento


Corrida virtual
Em qualquer lugar
26 Nov - 04 Dec, 2021 (Fri - Sat) - 08:00
13.1 mi


Corrida virtual
Em qualquer lugar
26 Nov - 04 Dec, 2021 (Fri - Sat) - 08:00
5 km


Corrida virtual
Em qualquer lugar
26 Nov - 04 Dec, 2021 (Fri - Sat) - 08:00
10 km


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