Clean Water 5K

Wichita, KS, USA
06 abr, 2024 (sab)


5 km

Sobre o evento

PACKET PICK-UP: Friday, April 5, noon to 5 p.m. at Wichita First Church of the Nazarene (1400 E. Kellogg Drive).  Packets may also be picked up on race day starting at 7:30 am at the race information table near the starting line.

WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? For the seventh year in a row your entire registration fee goes toward building borehole wells and providing clean water education to villages in Africa. After 6 years, we now have 18 Wichita borehole wells in Malawi & 3 wells in Kenya, DR Congo & Ivory Coast, bringing abundant clean water to thousands of people every day.  This water is life. We use this precious resource many times each day without thought or effort. Yet many people around the world don’t enjoy this luxury because they don’t have easy access to water and possibly no access to clean water. Many women and children around the globe spend hours each day in search of water; their lives revolve around this task. Often the water they collect is contaminated and causes diarrhea, which is the leading cause of illness and death around the world. Many organizations are working to eradicate this problem by building safe wells in communities one village at a time. Access to clean water reduces illness and death, increases school attendance, builds gender equality, diminishes scarcity conflicts and improves impoverished communities. Yes, water is life.

Wichita Clean Water 5K is partnering with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in Africa to bring life to villages through the construction of safe wells and clean water education. This year we are raising funds to build borehole wells in African villages. Many villages try to survive by fetching water from irrigation dams. Since these dams are meant for irrigation, the water is contaminated with diesel from pipes and generators. The water in these dams are further contaminated by animals, who also use this water source. Additionally, villagers bathe, do laundry and clean utensils in this dirty water. Community members often suffer from diarrhea and other waterborne diseases. Many women and children walk over 2½ miles to collect this dirty water.

Your race entry will help bring more borehole wells and water education to even more villages. You can make a life-changing difference to a community of people by registering for the Clean Water 5K and inviting your friends to join you. Together, we can install a safe well and be a part of something much bigger than ourselves.


Distâncias oferecidas por este evento

Clean Water 5K

06 abr, 2024 (sab) - 08:30
5 km
No local

Virtual Clean Water 5K

Corrida virtual
Em qualquer lugar
06 abr, 2024 (sab) - 08:30
5 km


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