Tryavna Ultra

5 (5 Reseñas)
Tryavna, Bulgaria
12-13 jul, 2024 (vie. - sáb.)

Trail running

20.5 km, 41.5 km, 76 km, 100 km, 141 km

Sobre el evento

Embárcate en una aventura memorable mientras exploras la belleza escénica de Tryavna. Desde vistas únicas de montañas, paisajes increíbles hasta sitios arquitectónicos notables, este viaje te permite correr por bosques, campos y áreas notables. La ruta, que varía de 3 km a 141 km, cubre la rica herencia cultural de los Balcanes y los cautivadores bosques del eco-parque Mujer búlgara. Este evento ofrece algo para todos los entusiastas de la carrera, incluyendo a los niños. Participa en el encanto de la ciudad y saborea las delicias culinarias regionales. Abraza la tranquilidad de las montañas y experimenta las emociones realmente únicas que esta aventura tiene para ofrecer.

Carreras que ofrece este evento

Tienes 1 semanas para prepararte

141 km

12 jul, 2024 (vie.) - 17:00
Trail running
141 km
6684 m de ganancia de desnivel
6684 m de caída de desnivel
Clasificatorio UTMB
In situ

100 km

12 jul, 2024 (vie.) - 20:00
Trail running
100 km
5000 m de ganancia de desnivel
5000 m de caída de desnivel
Clasificatorio UTMB
In situ

76 km

13 jul, 2024 (sáb.) - 05:50
Trail running
76 km
3000 m de ganancia de desnivel
2890 m de caída de desnivel
Clasificatorio UTMB
In situ

21 km

13 jul, 2024 (sáb.) - 07:00
Trail running
20.5 km
670 m de ganancia de desnivel
670 m de caída de desnivel
In situ

42 km

13 jul, 2024 (sáb.) - 07:00
Trail running
41.5 km
2000 m de ganancia de desnivel
2110 m de caída de desnivel
Clasificatorio UTMB
In situ

Detalles del recorrido

Lo más destacado del recorrido

The main distances – 153km with 6400 D+, 100km with 4000 D+, 80km with 3100 D+ and 42km with 1600 D+, 21 km with 670 D+. Feel the charm of Tryavna, feel the spirit of the Mountain! Unique views, ancient Roman roads, historical sites, Bojentsi, park “Bulgarian”, Buzludzha, Shipka.

Dirección de partida

Tryavna, Bulgaria

Dirección meta

Tryavna, Bulgaria

Mapa de ruta

route map

Qué incluye la inscripción

Se incluyen en tu inscripción
Medalla de finisher
Camisetas del evento
Certificado/Diploma digital
Estaciones de bebidas
Asistencia médica


5 Reseñas
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Ventsislav Kramolinski
100 km

For real.. Unbelievable organization, from location, communication, scennic views, highly supportive aid stations going above and beyond filled up with tons of variety cooked food ( not just dry one).. people were literally pleasing you to your highest comfort…to area history and culture…name it all.. It is a must place to visit and explore! Highly recommend to be checked off the list and even go back for more :)

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Radoslav Radev
76 km

Tryavna Ultra is one of the most beautiful and well organized ultra marathons I've ever participated in. The race offers very beautiful landscapes and passing by some symbolic monuments and historical places. The aid stations are very well supplied, the markings of all routes are very good and it's not possible to get lost. More than 760 runners from 28 countries took part in the 5th edition of tbe event in 2019.

I liked that distance because it offers a very good and challenging uphills and beautiful views and in the same time it allows the runners who don't feel confident about running the 141 km distance, to be a part of the event.

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Roze null
Country flag of MK
23 km

Great track! Cool happenings at the event ( concert and banica party) Happy faces everywhere! The city is worth the travel from Macedonia, awesome place!

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Alan Evans
76 km

This was my first time in Bulgaria and apart from having viewed the route on a map, I didn't really know what to expect. The route takes you mostly through woods covering steep mountain sides but also across open expanses bu the terrain is mostly very hilly. As far as the organisation was concerned, it was very clear with a detailed website and regular updates by email in Bulgarian and English. I arrived in the evening before the race and easily found the venue to collect my race pack. There was live tracking with runners carrying a tag which is picked up by volunteers electronically as you arrive at each aid station. There were aid stations about every 12 km and the bib had information on the route and their location. I really thought that the organisers had gone into a lot of though about the race. The race for the 76 km distance (there were 21, 42, 76 and 142 km options) started at 6.00 am. The terrain is mostly wooded and many of the tracks are very heavily eroded, meaning that great care had to be taken. There was a massive climb soon after the 39 km mark which is where I began to really suffer. It rose from 600 m to 1400 m in just over 4 miles. It really did me in for the rest of the race so I would say to anyone doing this to conserve energy in the first half of the race. At the aid stations, there was isotonic drink, magnesium tablets, soup, salt and all the nutrition that you need.

Don't underestimate it. It is just short of 50 miles but you need to be prepared and ideally use an isotonic drink as you run. The heat takes its toll.

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Marin Damyanov
42.195 km

It was a pleasure to be part of Tryavna Ultra 2019. The event has been planned and organized perfectly. Before, during and after the marathon I had all the information I needed аand I was calm and focus only on running. Route markings and support points were at top level.

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