Ultra Race Romania

5 (2 Reseñas)
Buzău, Romania
05 ago, 2024 (lun.)

Trail running

250 km

Precio desde
2465 USD
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Sobre el evento

Ultra Race Romania es una extraordinaria carrera de varias etapas de 250 km que permite a los competidores explorar los hermosos paisajes de Rumania. La carrera tiene como objetivo llevar a los participantes en un viaje histórico y cultural, ya que se les da la oportunidad de descubrir historias ocultas y crear recuerdos inolvidables. Equipados solo con equipo de supervivencia necesario, los participantes deben conquistar terrenos desafiantes y una ganancia de elevación de 11,000m en seis etapas. El viaje se destaca por impresionantes vistas, nuevas amistades y exposiciones culturales únicas. La aventura culmina en un viaje de dos días al Castillo de Drácula y al Castillo de Peles, revelando partes de la historia, la cocina y las tradiciones rumanas. Ultra Race Romania, certificado por ITRA, otorga 6 puntos UTMB a los competidores que califiquen.

Carreras que ofrece este evento

Tienes 4 semanas para prepararte

250 Km - 6 stages

05 ago, 2024 (lun.)
Trail running
Carrera por etapas
250 km
In situ
Punto a punto

Detalles del recorrido

Lo más destacado del recorrido

Romania is well known as having the largest virgin area forests in Europe. The Buzau Mountains are an inexhaustible source of legends and mysteries, a place where history has left palpable traces in stone. There is a group of 29 rupestrian dwellings, some of them dating back to the Neolithic age, carved into the stones and shaped by the waters that descend into the valley. Hidden in the wildest parts of the forest, these places have served as living spaces or as sanctuaries since the earliest times.

Dirección de partida

Buzău, Romania

Dirección meta

Buzău, Romania

Qué incluye la inscripción

Se incluyen en tu inscripción
Medalla de finisher
Número BIB personalizado
Estaciones de bebidas
Bolsa de regalos
Servicio fotográfico
Comida antes de la carrera
Comida después de la carrera
Asistencia médica


2 Reseñas
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Noemi Haag
Aug 2023
250 km

This is a fantastic ultra race in the remote mountains of Romania. It is hilly, lush green, wild, with spectacular views. Above all, the organizers are taking extremly good care of you. It is very personal and highly professional. After one week of racing in Romania it felt like belonging to the family of volunteers and racers. I would always do it again and can highly recommend it. For the slower runners/hikers but just as well as for the more advanced, fast and technically experienced runners. A great race in Europe!

Race for 6 days with overnight camps, bring your own supplies. Campsites and infrastructure are perfectly well organized.

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Roxana Siboiu
Aug 2021
250 km

The route is great. You get the chance to see the whole Buzau land in a week. It's brutal climbing and steep descents, there are great people and wonderful sceneries and the trip...the 2 day trip to see the beauties of Romania-this is something which I have never found in any other races.

Multi stage race, 6 days

Inscríbase ahora enUltra Race Romania
Precio desde
2465 USD
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