Willesden Aquathlon - London
400 m
5 千米
The friendliest race held by London's friendliest triathlon club. Great marshals, flat/fast course, and homemade treats at the finish!
400m swim in the pool followed by 5km flat run around the park, a great way to kick start the triathlon season or train towards a first triathlon!
Event details and scheduleRace registration is from 8:15-8:45 with mandatory race briefing at 8:50am. Race to start at 9am!
Expect a race pack with full details, rules, timings early race week.
Feel free to email us any time with additional questions at [email protected]!
To participate in this event, you are required to become a member of British Triathlon and hold a race licence. You must either purchase a single use Race Pass for your race (for £8) here https://www.britishtriathlon.org/events/willesden-aquathlon-2024_15334 or become a Core or Ultimate annual member here https://www.britishtriathlon.org/join
400 m游泳池跑步
5 千米道路平坦