您有20 周的准备时间
6.6 km free fall vertical
6.6 千米
1.5 km trail frun run
1.5 千米
6 km trail
6 千米
12 km trail
12 千米
12 km nordic walking
12 千米
6 km trail walk
6 千米
25.5 km trail
25.5 千米
Engadin Summer Run, 25.5 km The Engadin Summer Run is a breathtaking running event through the picturesque landscape of the Engadin. It attracts with its unique combination of sporting challenge and the natural beauty of the surroundings. The starting point is in Sils, from where the route leads over 25.5 km (+365 m/-401 m) through impressive landscapes to the finish area of the St. Moritz Running Festival in St. Moritz Bad. The run winds along the largest lakes in the Upper Engadin, the Inn, and through magnificent larch forests. It is a unique event in the midst of alpine splendor that not only awakens the ambition of the participants, but also creates an unforgettable connection to nature. Run Pontresina 12.2 Km The Pontresina Run entices with a unique atmosphere through the surrounding larch forests and its route ensures an unforgettable running experience. With this run, the St. Moritz Running Festival offers a shortened but equally attractive alternative to the Engadin Summer Run. On a challenging route of 12.2 kilometers and an elevation difference of 220 meters, the run stretches from Pontresina through the picturesque Val Roseg to Punt Muragl. The route leads through the idyllic Stazerwald to finally end in the finish area of the Running Festival in St. Moritz Bad. Run S, 6 km + 58 m elevation Experience a new race from Silvaplana to St. Moritz! Whether you are looking for a short sprint, a race for the whole family or want to take your first steps in running, this year an exciting 6-kilometer course awaits you on part of the legendary Engadin summer running route. Discover the new route that takes you along four picturesque lakes and enjoy the breathtaking panorama of our enchanting region.