Marmaris Ultra
5 千米, 16 千米, 30 千米, 48 千米, 76 千米
Marmaris Long Trail MLT76K 2560+ Marmaris Long Trail, which has a length of 75,4 km and an elevation of 2.560 m, consists of 70% path, 25% single track and 5% asphalt road. The race will start at 06:00 on Saturday, November 16. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue and the maximum finishing time is 16 hours. Mid point time limit (cut-off ) is 13 hours at Baraj. Marmaris Advanced Trail MAT48K 1480+ Marmaris Advanced Trail, which has a length of 48,2 km and an elevation of 1.480 m, consists of 70% path, 25% single track and 5% asphalt road. The race will start at 06:00 on Saturday, November 16. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue and the maximum finishing time is 12,5 hours. Mid point time limit (cut-off ) is 9,5 hours at Mezargediği. Marmaris Medium Trail MMT30K 870+ Marmaris Medium Trail, which has a length of 30,3 km and an elevation of 870 m, consists of 70% path, 10% single track and 20% asphalt road. The race will start at 07:00 on Saturday, November 16. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue and the maximum finishing time is 7,5 hours. Marmaris Short Trail MST16K 390+ Marmaris Short Trail, which has a length of 16,7 km and an elevation of 390 m, consists of 65% path, 5% single track, and 30% asphalt road. The race will start at 08:00 on Saturday, November 16. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue. Marmaris Rookie Trail MRT5K 130+ Marmaris Rookie Trail, which has a length of 5,5 km and an elevation of 130 m, consists of 65% path, and 35% asphalt road. The race will start at 09:00 on Saturday, November 16. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue.