Join us as we celebrate people with a variety of neurological injuries, who continue to push past their personal limits.
The HERD OF TURTLES 5K allows you to participate ALONGSIDE our amazing HOPE clients**. You will cheer for them as they start the race and then you will JOIN them on the course.
Want the discount? Let us set you up with your own impediment and you can have the experience of walking a mile or two in their shoes.
Event T-shirts available for purchase at event! Want to be a partner? Donations are encouraged! (Click here)
Profits benefit the HOPE clients who trained for and participated in this event.
**HOPE race participants are people recovering from neurological conditions like Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Spina Bifida, etc. Clients currently range in age from 3 years old up to 95 years old. Most are working their way to walking again - thanks for being part of their recovery!