A FREE timed 5k for our neighbors and friends. Come out and run your first 5k of 2023! Come ring in 2023 for our First Annual Hangover 5k run held in and around Tallman Meadow Park (Parker, CO). Starts at the shelter just off the parking lot. Not so flat, not so fast course. Out and back on the trail. (The trail is clear of snow but there might be some slick spots). Online registration only. Check-in opens at 1pm to get your bib and some warm up miles. Start time is 2pm sharp. Arrive early to get checked in and get your bib.
This run is for FUN only. We are not promoting anything, selling anything, or charging anything. We are doing this as a service for our neighbors and friends. Complaints will not be accepted and will result in disqualification from the race standings.