您有6 周的准备时间
39.3 米
Marathon Walk
42.195 千米
42.195 千米
Half Marathon
21.097 千米

Well organized, stunning scenery and great support along the way. Oh and Galway is a great place to unwind afterwards and maybe even have a Guinness or two to help with your recovery.
A tough road ultra with the last 13 miles very hilly. You will hit a climb known as "The hell of the west" around mile 35. The name is apt with a tough 2 mile uphill slog. Local people line the hill cheering you on and giving you that little extra motivation when it's needed. The good part is when you summit you can almost see the finish line 2 miles distant, and it's all downhill.
The scenery is magnificent for the full 39.3 miles and it's worth taking on the ultra distance to experience this alone. Be aware and come prepared, in Connemara you can get all four Irish seasons in one race...Sun, wind, rain and one time we even had snow. Magic! Put it on your bucket list, you won't regret it. I've completed it 6 times, 3 full and 3 ultra and I'll be back for more.