Rotary Club of Orange Thanksgiving Day 5K Road Race and One mile walk
1 mi
5 km
Thursday November 23, 2023, Rain or Shine, High Plains Community Center - 525 Orange Center Rd., Orange, CT, Scenic Sanctioned and Certified Course - One Water Stop. Awards: Trophies to the top male and female finishers overall. Medals to the top three male and female finishers in each division. Divisions 5K Run (12 & Under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+) Finisher Ribbons for Walkers Top quality T-Shirts to all PRE-REGISTERED participants Refreshments served after the race Ample parking Timing and Results by Northeast Sports Timing Service, LLC 5K RUN - 8:00 AM FUN WALK – 8:05 AM ENTRY INFORMATION
$27.00 by November 21st- $30.00 After and on Race Day Early Packet Pickup and Late Registration – Wednesday November 22nd at High Plains Community Center, 525 Orange Center Rd., Orange, CT from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM For other Rotary events – GO TO: OR - DIRECTIONS From I-95: Exity 41 – Marsh Hill Road - Orange From New York take left, from New Haven take right. Proceed North on Marsh Hill Road. Go through two lights. Continue straight across Rout 1, Boston Post Rd., and take a left at first stop sign onto Old Tavern Road. Take a right at first light onto Orange Center Road. High Plains Community Center is approximately ½ mile on the right. From the Merritt Parkway: Exit 57 – Rt. 34 Derby Ave. Take Route 34 East. Take a right at the first light onto Orange Center Road. High Plains Community Center is 2 miles up on the left.
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