Race-day: On-site packet pickup open 6:45 AM-7:45 AM. No race-day registration Course: Flat – walker- and wheelchair-friendly – One or two out’n’back segments on paved roads Parking: Ample and free at Bluemont Park South Shelter (325 North Manchester Street), Bluemont Park North Shelter (601 North Manchester Street), or Ashlawn Elementary School
Race size: About 100 in each race, 5K and 10K Time Limit: Must finish by 9:30 AM. Only one race per person Starts: 5K run & race walk at 8:00 AM 10K run at 8:10 AM -- 10K starts about 200 feet north of the 5K start Awards: Top 3 in each race overall and in 10-year age groups (men and women) in both 5k AND 10K, plus racewalkers in 5K Post-race: Refreshments to keep you warm Contact: Mike Cannon -- [email protected] -- 910-261-8446 Event details and schedule
November 16 at East Potomac Park -- Cranberry Crawl 5K and 10K December 21 at East Potomac Park -- Christmas Caper 5K and 10K If you signed up for all 5 races, we automatically enter you into this race If you're not a member yet, you can join PVTC now and take the member prices
Race size: About 100 in each race, 5K and 10K Time Limit: Must finish by 9:30 AM. Only one race per person Starts: 5K run & race walk at 8:00 AM 10K run at 8:10 AM -- 10K starts about 200 feet north of the 5K start Awards: Top 3 in each race overall and in 10-year age groups (men and women) in both 5k AND 10K, plus racewalkers in 5K Post-race: Refreshments to keep you warm Contact: Mike Cannon -- [email protected] -- 910-261-8446 Event details and schedule
Races in 2024 Ed Barron Holiday Series:
February 10 at East Potomac Park in Wasington DC -- By George 5K and 10K March 30 at Bluemont Park in Arlington VA - Easter Classic 5K and 10K July 4 at Bluemont Park in Arlington VA -- Go Fourth 8KNovember 16 at East Potomac Park -- Cranberry Crawl 5K and 10K December 21 at East Potomac Park -- Christmas Caper 5K and 10K If you signed up for all 5 races, we automatically enter you into this race If you're not a member yet, you can join PVTC now and take the member prices
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