Perry High School Track and Field will be hosting the annual Jingle Jog 5K (formally hosted by Langston Road Elementary School). This race will be held December 11th 2021. The race begins from the Perry Welcome center, follows the perimeter road around the fairgrounds, turns left on Perry Parkway, then left into the Go Fish driveway. There you will use the circular drive to turn around and return to the finish line. Medals will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in each age group. The fastest male and female finishers will receive a $50 gift card as well as the fastest masters (40 and over).
Medals will be awarded to the top three runners per age group male and female:
under 10, 11-15, 16-20 , 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71 and above
We will host an early packet pickup at the Perry Welcome center December 10th from 4-6pm.
Santa will be onsite on Race Day for photos!
Friendly dogs on leashes and strollers are welcome.
We are looking for community sponsors! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please email Coach McCrary at [email protected]
All T-shirts will be fulfilled via pre-registration. We will have a very limited number of shirts on hand for day of registration.
Jingle Jog 5K Run/Walk
5 km
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