Attention Nordic skiers! We are so excited to bring back the annual Corduroy Crush ski event. This family-friendly nordic ski race will take place this year on April 7th at the 5K Nordic Loop in Girdwood, AK. Co-hosted by KMTA and the Girdwood Nordic Ski Club, this event is a celebration of the joy of Nordic skiing and the region's rich history, and is open to all xc skiers who want to come out and crush some corduroy with us!
There will be three different events available for all adults and youth to participate in, including a short Snowball Biathlon 2K, a timed 5K Race, and a 2x2x2 Relay. You can choose what type of ski technique you want to use (classic and skate are both acceptable).
Only pay once and participate in all events. Early Bird pricing goes through March 24th & online registration for the event closes at 6 PM on Aril 6th, but on-site registration will be available on the morning of the race (April 7th) from 9:30AM-10:30 AM. Youth under 13 are free for all online registration but will incur a $5 registration fee per youth if signed up to race on the day of the race.
Early Bird Pricing Through MARCH 24th
Adult 18+ is $30Youth 13-17 is $15Youth Under 13 is FREEOnline Registration Pricing MARCH 25th - APRIL 6th at 6 pm
Adult 18+ is $35Youth 13-17 is $20Youth Under 13 is FREEOnsite Registration Pricing (AVAILABLE 9:30-10:30 AM Day of the Race APRIL 7th)
Adult 18+ is $40Youth 13-17 is $25Youth Under 13 is $5RACE START TIMES:
11 AM -Snowball Biathlon 2K11:30am - 5K Timed2x2x2 Relay - 12:15pmAwards - 12:45pmDIRECTIONS & PARKING: The 5K Nordic loop is just 45 minutes away from Anchorage and located right next to Alyeska Resort. If you're driving, park at the paved Arlberg parking lot situated at the end of Arlberg Road. Please note that this is a new road, so it may not appear on older GPS units. If you prefer alternative parking, Parking Lot A is also available, and from there, you can walk/ski to the Nordic Trailhead.
5K timed
5 km
Snowball Biathlon 2K
2 km
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