Foster Love 5K & Festival is a fundraiser hosted by CrossFit Sprag for Foster Love Bell County. Foster Love Bell County exists to raise awareness and mobilize the community to care for those in the child welfare system. We believe everyone in the community can have a role to play in strengthening biological families and supporting foster/kinship families and case workers.
The race will take place at twilight around 7:30 pm. It will begin and end at CrossFit Sprag. The race will start on Wheat Road and take place on Digby, Kirkley, Powell and a couple others. It’s mostly flat with a couple hills in the middle. Don’t worry about traffic! We’ll have road closures on all of these roads.
The other part of the event is the festival which will open at 5:30pm! We will have water games and bouncy houses for kids, along with food trucks for dinners and snacks and a Cornhole and Washers tournament. Music, glow sticks, raffles and a ton of other fun stuff for the family!
There is reduced pricing for participants 19 & under. This will show up as you register.
5 km
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