Cranky Monkey Mountain Bike Race
9 mi, 15 mi, 21 mi
Cranky Monkey Mountain Bike Race
The Cranky Monkey returns again to Fountainhead! Join us for an awesome day of bike racing and community.
Race Date: Sunday August 24, 2025 (rain date is 9/21)
Race Courses: 3 XC courses varying in length from 9+ miles to 21+ miles. See course notes below for course information and maps.
We are separating each race into wave starts with groups of classes to help space out the field.
Fountainhead Trail Fund
All the trails at Fountainhead are primarily built and maintained by volunteers organized by the Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts (MORE). All racers will have the opportunity to donate to the Fountainhead Trail Fund during registration.
Race Courses
The base course* is 9 miles long and includes about a half mile of pavement, about a half mile of doubletrack, and roughly 8 miles of singletrack. The start of the race utilizes a 1.5 mile stretch of blue-blazed hiker/equestrian singletrack and doubletrack that is normally closed to bikes. This section of trail can be ridden leading up to the race (8/16 to race day). Please use extra caution and provide extra courtesy to other trail users.
Please watch the video below for a good overview of the courses.
This section of trail leads to black loop and enters the black loop just before the three drops (which are all closed during the race), but past the many technical rock gardens in the first section of the black loop. This design creates a base course that includes sections of the black, blue, and green trails, but purposefully avoids the technical rock gardens and technical downhill run on the black trail.
* Please note that this course will challenge many riders. It is recommended that you have enjoyable previous experience riding venues such as Wakefield, Schaeffer Farms, Pocahontas, or Meadowood before riding Fountainhead. If you feel comfortable riding the green and blue trails at Fountainhead, then you should not have any issues on this course.
The sport course includes the base course and then adds the full green and blue loops (green to blue to green) for a total of 15 miles. All drops are CLOSED during the race on the blue loop.
The expert course includes the base course and then adds the green, blue, and black loops (green to blue to black to blue to green) for a total of 21 miles. All drops are CLOSED during the race on the blue and black loops. The expert course includes the technical rock gardens that exist in the first section of the black loop.
Race Day Schedule
Sunday August 25, 2024
8:00am – Base (9 mile) race starts
9:00am – Sport (15 mile) race starts
10:00am – Expert (21 mile) race starts
Draft Race Start Procedures (subject to change)
We are separating each race into wave starts to allow enough space to spread out the field of riders. Each wave will be separated by a few minutes. Exact start times will be based on the number of riders in each class.
Base (9 Miles) Race
Check-in open from 6:30 to 7:45am
8:00am – 8:15am wave starts
Sport (15 Miles) Race
Check-in open from 7:30 to 8:45am
9:00am – 9:15 wave starts
Expert (21 Miles) Race
Check-in open from 8:30 to 9:45pm
10:00am – 10:15am wave starts
準備期間はまだ24 週間あります
9 Miles
9 mi
15 miles
15 mi
21 miles
21 mi
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