Brumble Kermesse Road Race
24 mi, 32 mi, 40 mi, 56 mi, 64 mi
-Juniors race FREE!!! If you are a junior races (racing age 18 or under), please register for whatever category you are eligible to race in. Your registration must be done without any non-juniors in the same “cart” at checkout. Apply the coupon code: JuniorsRaceFree!
-parking at Misquamicut Sate Beach parking area
-start/finish at Misquamicut State Beach parking area
-“dog bone” style course, route here:
-first violation of “yellow line rule” results in immediate disqualification; this will be STRICTLY enforced
-no warm up on the course at all. The parking lot is massive, there is plenty of room to do laps in the parking lot and/or set up a stationary trainer
-bathrooms on site
-day of registration available for an additional $20 fee, cash or check only. Checks made out to CCB CEF
-register for a second race on the day for only $30
This race is named for current legend-in-residence, Amos Brumble, a legacy CCB club/team member and owner of the local Brumble Bikes shop in Westerly, RI. Amos was one of the first riders from New England to spend extended periods of time racing in Belgium in his youth, cutting his teeth on the ever-challenging and often-windy and always-technical kermesse circuit. This race is an homage to everything Amos has done for the New England Cycling community over the years as a rider, shop owner, and event promoter. It’s also our way (the CCB and AP Junior Devo teams) of “being the change we want to see”, by taking on the task of promoting more road races in New England. We believe this to be an important and integral part of keeping our cycling and racing community healthy and thriving.
-one note on start times: The Men Pro1/2/3 is listed for a start time of 12:01pm. This should be a few minutes before the completion of the first lap of the Women Pro1/2/3 race. The goal here was to reduce, as much as possible, the chance for overlapping/lapping fields. We believe this should accomplish that goal.
24 miles
24 mi
40 miles
40 mi
32 miles
32 mi
56 miles
56 mi
64 miles
64 mi
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