10 mile run/walk on a scenic course.
Sign up early as price increases: now $50 and price increases on July 21-26th $60.
If you would like to donate, please go to : https://www.narragansettlionsclub.org/page/70477~769863/Donations
Early bib number pick up on Saturday, July 20 at Pier School cafeteria from 8am until 12 noon. 235 Pier Rd, Narragansett, RI.
Wakefield Running bib pick up on Wednesday, July 17th and Wednesday, July 24th from 4-7 PM
Race day registration, July 26th at the Pier School Gym, from 3pm until race time. 235 S. Pier Rd, Narragansett, RI. ONLINE ONLY there will be no paper registration!
As this is a charity there are no refunds.
T-shirts limited to the first 3000 registrations.
Early bib number pick up:
July 17 and 24, from 4-7pm at the Wakefield Running Club, 20 Main Street, Ste B, (Belmont Market Plaza) Wakefield, RI
July 20 from 8am-noon at the Narragansett Pier Middle School, 235 S Pier Rd, Narragansett, RI US 02882
Friday, July 26 day of the event at the Narragansett Pier Middle School from 3pm until race time.
10 Mile In Person Walk
10 mi
10 Mile In Person Run
10 mi
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