Bedrock Valley Gravel Ride - Hemet
10 km, 36 km, 72 km, 108 km
A NEW Gravel Ride experience you don't want to miss. Choose your ride experience around Diamond Valley Lake. This is truly a historic ride in an ancient place. This area's heritage begins during the Ice Age where the most concentrated amount of Mastodons once roam the earth. The remains of hundreds of Mastodons and other prehistoric dinosaurs were discovered in the bedrock of where the lake now rests.
NEW! GRAVEL ROCK BIKE RACE is the first Gravel Bike race that takes you around the Lake. Ride Gravel/Mountain/E-Bike
GRAVEL ROCK RIDE 36K takes you ONE LOOP around beautiful Diamond Valley Lake. Great for your first Gravel/Off-Road Ride
GRAVEL ROCK RIDE 72K takes you TWO LOOPS around beautiful Diamond Valley Lake. Test your skills and make it a double.
GRAVEL ROCK RIDE 108K takes you THREE LOOPS around beautiful Diamond Valley Lake. Find your limits and test your endurance.
GRAVEL KIDS 10K is a fun and flat fun ride for the spirited rider/beginner. An out and back course that gets you stoked!
TEAM CHALLENGE enjoy the ride with friends and complete laps as a team in the 72k and 108k.
準備期間はまだ3 週間あります
Gravel Rock Ride 36k
36 km
Gravel Rock Ride 72k
72 km
Gravel Rock Ride 108k
108 km
Gravel Rock Kid's 10k
10 km
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