Wee-Chi-Tah Falls "UPSIDE Downshift"

Wichita Falls, TX, USA
06 oct, 2024 (dom.)


12 mi, 16 mi, 24 mi

Sobre el evento

Welcome to the 2024 Wee-Chi-Tah Falls "UPSIDE Downshift" This year will be the same format as 2023 except (TRAIL RUNS BACKWARDS) starting at 111 N. Burnett @ the J.S. Bridwell Ag Center. If you are tent camping you may setup in the river bottom as last year. (No Camp fires allowed) For RV camping there are some hookups in the parking lot but it seemed last year The Wichita Bend RV park in the middle of the course worked out great the address is 300 Central E Fwy. First come first served. Cat 1 payouts 100% - 40% deep. All others top 3 podium awards. All Kids Kup receive awards. Kids Kup will start @ 0930, Novice @ 1030, Cat 1 at noon, and Cat 2 @ 1210. We will host some pre rides and especially on Saturday May 20th with a trip to the Wichita Falls Brewing Company that evening. Please email me with any questions @ [email protected] ***** NOTE Novice license are the only one days sold onsite due to a recent USAC rule change***** CAT 1 and 2 annual and 1 days if you qualify must be purchase through USAC prior to the event.

Carreras que ofrece este evento

Tienes 14 semanas para prepararte

16 miles

06 oct, 2024 (dom.) - 12:00
16 mi
In situ

24 miles

06 oct, 2024 (dom.) - 12:00
24 mi
In situ

12 miles

06 oct, 2024 (dom.) - 12:00
12 mi
In situ


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