Tough Like Payton

Riverdale, UT, USA
15 jul, 2023 (sáb.)


5 km

Sobre el evento

Payton was your normal healthy 11 year old girl. She has always been outgoing and full of energy. Payton
loves acting, her arial silks and hanging out with her friends.

We are so honored to have Payton as our recipient this year for the 11th Annual Women's Council of Realtors 5k Fun Run. 

Payton started complaining of hearing loss. Her family took her into the ENT and they did extensive
hearings test. She failed them multiple times in her left ear. During the time they were testing (over several months)
her left side of her face started to get weak. The ENT decided it was time for an MRI. On July 8th 2022 Payton went
to Primary Children's Hospital. They found a large brain tumor about the size of 2 golf balls. They said she wasn’t
able to leave and rushed her to the emergency room to be admitted. They started her on heavy duty steroids to get
the swelling to go down in her brain before they did surgery. Payton had Surgery on July 12th 2022.

After surgery they confirmed every parent’s worst fears. Payton had Medulloblastoma (brain cancer).
Treatment consisted of weeks of radiation and chemo which will affect her the rest of her life. Throughout this
journey, Payton has been so tough!

Any and all donations are accepted!  

Carreras que ofrece este evento

5k Fun Run

15 jul, 2023 (sáb.) - 08:00
5 km
In situ


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