OSU Indoor Triathlon

Columbus, OH, アメリカ合衆国
27 1月, 2024 (土)


10 min, 15 min, 20 min


For the first time in 3 years… The Ohio State Indoor Triathlon is back!!

***Race is registration is closed to due to high volume****

This year's race will be held in the Recreational and Physical Activity Center (RPAC) at The Ohio State University on Sunday, February 5th 2023. This will count as a USAT Collegiate Nationals qualifier and will earn points towards the final standings in the Mid East Collegiate Triathlon Conference (MECTC).  An indoor triathlon is based on time rather than distance, allowing all levels of ability the opportunity to compete! There will be a 10 minute swim in the indoor competition pool. Then there is a 10 minute transition that allows you to change into biking clothes/ get situated at your stationary bike. The stationary bike ride will last 20 minutes. A 5 minute transition is then given to allow you enough time to get to the track. Concluding the race is a 15 minute run on our indoor track. Food will be provided afterwards and each racer will receive a t-shirt for participation. *Must be signed up by 1/29/23 in order to guarantee correct shirt size*

Race Wave Assignments: We will not be taking requests for specific wave placements. We will be assigning waves based on the swim and run times you provide. Waves will be ordered from fastest to slowest. If you would like to run with a friend, please sign up with the same times. This will not guarantee you will be in the same wave but you will be as close as possible. Collegiate racers will race in the morning, followed by the high school racers, and the open waves will begin after the last high school wave. Preliminary wave assignments will be posted on January 30th, 2023 and will be emailed out. Any registrations after January 30th will be placed in the last waves.

Registration Deadline: Registration is closed as of 2/1/2023 at 11:45 am. Finalized wave assignments will be made that night. Preliminary wave assignments will be made starting Monday, January 30th and will be made available to give you an idea of when you will be competing, but it is possible that you could be moved up or down a wave.

Same Day Registration: Due to capacity being reached, same day registration will be unavailable.

Collegiate Housing: Please contact us if you would like to or have any questions about housing collegiate athletes.

Questions? Contact the Coordinator
Contact: Drew Casey
Phone: (614) 456-9797
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://tosutriathlon.com/


OSU Indoor Triathlon (Open)

27 1月, 2024 (土) - 10:00
  • 水泳
    10 min
  • サイクリング
    20 min
  • ランニング
    15 min




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