MRM Frozen Buttcheek 5K

Marshall, MI, アメリカ合衆国
24 1月, 2025 (金)


3.1 mi


3.1 mi


For $38.00 every in-person participant receives the following:

An awesome soft custom made race shirt that we screen print ourselves
A unique and awesome finisher medal
A chance at over 200 awards.  I award three deep in 19 age group categories for my run and walk and to the slowest finishers in every age group for both my run and walk
Amazing post race food and beverages, fill a plates worth!
FREE finisher line pictures!! 
Dog participants will receive finisher medals and will be eligible for overall dog awards.  Dogs will also have treats at the post-race table


Hi I'm Mandy!


I've been running for seven years (10.21.2017) and three months on the date of my Frozen Buttcheek 5K.  In July 2019 I came up the idea to run in every city in the state of Michigan that held a  race event (1 mile or greater).  I wanted my running to stay fun and be more than a finishing result.  With that in mind I came up with "Mandy Runs Michigan."  I have been running every weekend since I started running.  By my 2025 race I will have run 425 races (at least) and have hopefully hit 250 cities. 

I wanted to use my experience observing and participating in races to race direct my own race that combined all the wonderful things I've seen throughout the last six years and avoided all the things I didn't like.  The Mandy Runs Michigan 5K will be just that, with tons of personal symbolism.


On February 1, 2019 I ran the 1/6 Groundhog Marathon in Walker, MI.  I was still relatively new to running and not smart when it came to dressing at winter runs.  I was nice and toasty waiting in the start line while everyone else was shaking and jumping up and down to keep warm.  When I got out into the course my left buttcheek started to feel ice cold and sore, then like pins and needles and finally I lost feeling in it all together.  I panicked and called my husband who was waiting with our kids at the finish.  It wasn't a course I could be rescued from.  I was stuck around Lake Leota with only one group of volunteers and no other participants anywhere near me.  It was at night in the dark.  I've never felt so panicked racing.  Finally about one mile from the finish I was able to catch a glimpse of the fire pits in the distance and that fueled me to carry on.  I finished, saved my left buttcheek and got my golden groundhog finisher medal.


This race and its name is dedicated to my experience at the 2019 The Groundhog 1/6 Marathon.




Friday January 24, 2025

This is a WINTER RUN!!!! Cue Buddy the Elf, it's my favorite!!!   ...and it's on my birthday! 


I have struggled to enjoy my birthday since our kids were born (very severe postpartum depression) and am hoping this run will set a spark to finally start enjoying the day once again. It's a race and a birthday celebration.




I dislike price increases, but understand why races have them.  As long as I have the Mandy Runs Michigan 5K race registration will be the same amount until race day.  On race day there will be a $5.00 increase. My race fee is a set $38.00 until then.  No race fee increases every few months.  

17 and under are $25.00.  55+ have a discounted race fee of $33.00 




This time I will taking you through another new area for MRM Racing: A Tour of the Calhoun County Fairgrounds!

We are back to street racing with a few dirt road areas for this 5K.

You will start by the warm fireplaces of Ketchum Park and take off through surrounding neighborhoods.  You will climb a steady large hill right from the start with some amazing views to your left (be sure to look when you get near the top)  You will follow the road and circle back down.  When you get back to Maple Street you will make two lefts to enter the fairgrounds.  You will run from the front to back of the fairgrounds turning around at Marshall Parkway, take the south side of the fairgrounds on Clinton Street out for a short while before entering back into the fairgrounds again.  You will head through a different path in the fairgrounds out to Maple Street and back to the starting area at Ketchum Park.  Please read below for detailed course instructions.  


I've run my share of short and long 5Ks.  You can count on this race to be within .1 miles of a true 5K unless you like to zigzag while you run. 


There will be directional signs at every turn and mile markers this year...because I ran out of signs last year hours before the race and didn't have them.  


There will be three aide stations on the course.  One aide station you will pass twice.  My aide stations always have water, an electrolyte drink and a few awesome bite size snacks.




If you are not someone who likes staying for a long award ceremony....we are going to have a long ceremony.  The awards ceremony will start shortly after every participant finishes.  We will go oldest to youngest or as I like to think of it...most inspiring to youngest.  I will try to get through it as fast as possible and I hope to have seating for everyone so you can relax and snack on awesome food while we go through it.


I want fast participants, slower participants, old participants and younger participants to go home with awards at my race.  I want people that wouldn't normally expect to receive an award to go home with an award.  I think walkers, stroller pushing participants and dog participants are amazing.  My awards are as follows:


19 five year age group awards. Award categories will start at 10 and under and end at 90+ for both runners and walkers.  Please register for appropriate race accordingly.  If you are caught running the 5K walk you will be disqualified and possibly not allowed to return to a future Mandy Runs Michigan Race (depending on how you own up about it).  However, registered runners are more than welcome to take walking breaks or run half and walk half of the course.  I am a race walker in addition to being a runner and I want to keep the walking category of awards fair. I l also have no respect for purposeful course cutters.  If caught they will receive no official time at my race and may not be allowed to return to a future MRM race.  I've witnessed cheating at races, it's not fun to be a part of.  Don't do anything to give yourself an unfair advantage on my course and don't be dishonest. 


Age group categories for the 5K run and walk:


10 and under

Age groups will go three deep in each category.



Turtle in Peanut Awards will be given to the slowest finisher in each 5K run and walk age group.  If you have a sprained ankle, plantar fasciitis flare or you are just an awesome slower paced runner or walker, you may still go home with an age group award.



BIG CHANGE FOR 2025 AND MRM RACING moving forward.


I am discontinuing overall awards in set age categories (Children, Overall, Masters and Grandmasters).  I can't believe I fell for that trap after being upset about it myself at races. I apologize to all my previous runners.  Overall awards will be given to the first, second and third place finishers in my run and walk (male and female) in two groups: 0-60 and 60+. It's kind of like having a master's category with a tweek. There will be 24 total overall awards given out to my fastest runners and walkers.  Overall winners will be pulled out of their perspective age groups and not eligible for age group awards.  Don't worry, you're getting something even cooler for being so fast. ^_^  I don't believe in double dipping overall and age group awards at races. 


There will be some very special awards you probably haven't seen often at other races.  Any participant that does not place 1-3 or last in their age group will earn my "Average Cup of Joe" award. 


Due to my weekly traveling and high mileage to get to races all over the state I will award the participant that travels the longest distance to come to my race with "The Longest Drive" award. Sorry, flying miles do not count. Although, if I get a my first flying participant I may just have to make an additional award.  Overall "Longest Drive" recipient will also receive a $20 gas card.  It will get you a few miles in 2025. ^_^


Fastest Golden Stroller Award:  Bring your little ones that can't run and you could take home the golden stroller award.  


Two "Mandy Runs Michigan" awards to the participants with the closest time to what I run and walk the course days before the race.  These two people will receive the most prestigious award (in my humble opinion) ...The Mandy Runs Michigan title (for 365 days).  If you follow my Facebook page you may know my average 5K time, but I am affected by what I eat and what I am going through on any given day, so it can vary by a lot.  MRM awards are either handmade awards by me or local artisan and always have a Michigan theme. ^_^


Crap I'm Slow! Awards.  I have four of these beauties (see pictures below)  They go to the last female and male to finish both my run and walk.  They are incredible and hilarious and debuted in 2024 at my Summer Breeze 5K. 





...are very much welcome and there will be the following dog awards! ^_^

Dog awards are changing this year as well! 

I will be awarding golden trophies to my top THREE overall fastest dogs and my last dog to cross the finish line. 

Unique dog finisher medals to all dog participants that were Corky's favorite toy (Rainbow Bridge Crossing 1.24.2023) See below!

Water stations will be at start and finish and at all aide stations for dogs.  I will have post-race treats for dogs! 




My favorite part of racing.   What is an in-person 5K event without a little piece of memorabilia to take home with you?

Race shirts to everyone!  I design and screen print my races.   If I don't have your size on race day I will get you a shirt after the race.  Race shirts will be colorful and be incredibly light weight and soft to the touch.  They will be comfy to wear. 

IMPORTANT DATE: If you want to guarantee a race shirt in your hands on race day please register by January 20th.  Registering after January 20th may result in a race shirt being mailed and delay you being able to have it in your hands on race day. 😎


Unique winter themed finisher medals to everyone! If you thought the last two years rocked, 2025's are going blow it out of the park. If you work your butt off to cross the finish line at my race I'll have a beautiful finisher medal waiting for you.  Every participant deserves a finisher medal at my 5K no matter what their time is. 


An awesome custom bib you'll want to keep. (pictured below) White bibs with black numbers are boring.  We all need color in our lives and bibs we want to keep post-race. 




Not just a banana, granola and water bottle on your post-race menu....much more!

I'm hoping to have one food truck in 2025 if I can swing it. Something warm for your cold hands post-race. 

If I can't swing a food truck, you will still have a fantastic post-race menu that will include options for GLUTEN FREE and DAIRY FREE participants to enjoy.  Our son has Celiac Disease.  I know all too well the struggles of finding gluten free items at races.  

In 2023 I had noodle cups, hot chocolate, a gluten free cookie platter, chocolate covered monster pretzel sticks, cheese balls, pirate booty, Slim Jims and more!




NO SNOW PARKING:  In the HUGE grass field of the Calhoun County Fairgrounds.  This lot is located behind the Henry BE Community Building (615 S. Marshall Ave) and across from the fairgrounds main entrance. 


SNOW PARKING: 610 E Hanover Street at the Marshall Skatepark lot.  After you park, take the sidewalk over the bridge.  You will see Ketchum Park to your right after getting off the bridge, head right past Ketchum Park play area to the firepit pavilion. It is a quarter mile walk from the skateboard parking lot to the firepit pavilion. 


OVERFLOW PARKING: Montgomery Street (Ketchum Park) two small parking lots and on surrounding neighborhood streets. 


Packet Pick-Up:


Only available on race day from 3:00pm until race start at 4:00pm.... or beyond.  I have shown up late to more races then I want to admit to.  Thanks to our wonderful Michigan Running Foundation timing guys you can start late and still get accurate timing. Look for Michigan Running Foundation's bright yellow flags at the start and finish, registration won't be far away and someone can always get you your bib and race shirt.  I don't have a strict packet pick-up cut-off time. 


I currently do not offer packet pick-up before race day.  If you live close to Marshall and would like to stop by my house you are more than welcome to the day before race day. 




CHIP TIMING!!! I dislike gun timing very much....and popsicle sticks are cool for retro smaller races. 


The amazing Michigan Running Foundation (Chuck Block and Luke Deaton) will be timing the race for the third year in a row!  You will have chip timed accurate results that get to you within seconds of finishing if you opt for text/email results during registration.  




Due to the nature of putting my races on almost entirely from race funds and using our own money to cover overages, I currently due not donate to a charity.  I have been asked this question a lot by prospective participants. In 2023 when I race directed the first MRM 5K we operated with a large loss and did not turn any profit.  I am trying to make my passion into a business to support my family.  I must make a profit to do that. I have MRM race events to give back to the running community that has helped me so much over the last seven years.  I would love one day for this to become my permanent job.  I am sorry I cannot donate to charities at this time but please still consider registering.  I am a small Michigan racing business looking to expand and grow.  You are supporting a local family and one runner's big dream. I promise your registration price will be worth it.


My Summer Breeze 5K cost me $5,000 with RunSignUp registrations and donations coming in at $4,400.00.


Misc. Awesomeness:


There will be a photo backdrop!  ...a hilarious slightly PG-13 one.
We will have awesome music playing before, during and after the race.  My hand picks from my 800+ running album on Spotify.

A few hilarious things on the course this year.



準備期間はまだ14 週間あります

5K Run

24 1月, 2025 (金) - 16:00
3.1 mi

5K Walk

24 1月, 2025 (金) - 16:00
3.1 mi




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