Peak Galleria, The Peak, Hong Kong Island22°16'13.5"N 114°08'59.8"E

HK50 - Hong Kong Island

Peak Galleria, The Peak, Hong Kong Island22°16'13.5"N 114°08'59.8"E, 香港
26 10月, 2024 (土)


24 km, 50 km


A great introductory course for the MSIG HK50 series as this first 24km is not high in elevation and rolling flat areas to make up lots of kilometers and not terribly difficult until you hit the 2nd half with lots of short steep climbs up the beautiful and challenging Mt Parker taking in the ridge line down to the Boa Vista trail, with Mt Butler, Jardines Lookout and Violet Hill to add to the fun and pain.


準備期間はまだ3 週間あります

24 km

26 10月, 2024 (土)
24 km
906554 m の合計高低差(上り)
24km course description:
Peak - HK trail all the way to Wong Nai Chung Gap starting at Lugard Rd opposite Peak Cafe. Small addition of Mt Bennet loop this year.
24km water checkpoint: - bottom of Peel Rise/catchwater (approx 10km).
Total 1. Cut-off at this water cp 10:00am (2.5 hours). Sport drink & water.
GPX file for 24km (Garmin)

50 km

26 10月, 2024 (土)
50 km
2311 m の合計高低差(上り)
Elevation gain / loss
1st half - 906m elevation gain & 1097m elevation loss
2nd half - 1896m elevation gain & 1893 elevation loss
Full 50km - 2802m elevation gain with 2990m loss for whole 50km. Total gain/loss 5792m

50km course description: (Map posted in Download PDF on left side)
Peak - HK trail all the way to Wong Nai Chung Gap (except for addition of Mt Bennet loop - NEW this year) starting at Lugard Rd opposite Peak Cafe. When arriving at Wong Nai Chung Gap use Sir Cecil Ride entrance behind petrol station and proceed along Sir Cecil Ride (passing Mt Butler Rd - Quarry - Braemar Hill - Mt Parker Rd - Hong Pak Country Trail - Trail up to Mt Parker - Ridge line down to Boa Vista Trail near Tai Tam Gap - Boa Vista Trail up to Quarry gap Tai Fung Au - Mt Butler - Jardine Lookout - Violet Hill - Tze Lo Lan shan Path (catchwater) - Wong Nai Chung Gap finish.
(Cut-off) - Will be 11:00am or 4 hrs after start of race at 24km half way point cp (Wong Nai Chung Gap). This means all 50k participants must be able to complete the first 24km in 4 hrs to be allowed to continue the 2nd half of the course. If you are unsure we suggest you go hike the first 24km of the HK trail and time yourself to get an idea of your time.
GPX file for 50km ( Garmin)

50km Water checkpoints:
CP1 at bottom of Peel Rise/catchwater (approx 10k). Water, sport drink & bananas. Cut-off at CP1 9:30am (2 hrs 30min).
CP2 at Wong Nai Chung Gap in front of Finish (approx 24km) Sport drink & water & bananas. CUT-OFF at 11:00am (4 hrs).
CP3 at Mt Parker Rd & Sir Cecil Ride - (approx 33km) Sport drink & water & bananas.CUT-OFF at 12:30pm (5.5 hrs).
CP4 - Quarry gap Tai Fung Au - (approx 40km). Sport drink & water & bananas. CUT-OFF at 3:00pm (8hrs).
CP5 - Parkview (approx 44km) (NO WATER). CUT-OFF CHECK POINT at 4:15pm (8hrs 15mins) Participants cut here will walk approx 500m downhill to Finish.
Finish cut-off at 5:00pm (10 hrs)




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