Hot Cocoa Run -5k/10k/1mi -Benefits MAC Angels & ALS
1 mi, 5 km, 10 km
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Your options are to join the other competitors and run/walk the distance you choose and enter it on this website after you're done. Or take your time in a non-competitive way, and run/walk the distance between July 15th and December 5th. Or, if you're feeling especially stir crazy because you've been housebound for most of 2020, feel free to do your distance more than once. In fact, get family and friends to sponsor all the extra distance you log!
1. As usual, the race starts on this, the first Saturday of December. And usually that's when it ends. But not this year: It's been extended virtually through the last Saturday in December, which is the 26th. Register, and then run/walk until December 26. Think of it: You can work off all the holiday treats and test drive all the great running gifts that Santa brings you!
2. All net proceeds benefit Alzheimer's Association, Compassionate Care ALS (CCALS), and a small portion will go to Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabiliation (SNARR). You are not required to fundraise, but we encourage you to do so, and you will be rewarded with the incentives outlined below (photos in our store). We are now integrated with Facebook fundraising too, so raise money there!
3. All registrants, upon request, will receive a finisher medal and/or a lighted slapstick for great visibility on walks/runs worn on your arm or on dog's leg!
4. Rules: Anytime between 8:30 am 12/5 and midnight 12/26, run or walk the distance you registered for and then submit your time to the event. You are encouraged to upload photos including your furry four-legged friends!! Be sure to include the hashtag #hotcocoarun.
5. We will post results before the new year and hopefully by 12/28!!
5K Run/Walk with/without Dog
5 km
10K Run/Walk with/without Dog
10 km
1 mi Run/Walk with/without Dog
1 mi
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