이벤트 정보
Experience the full marathon through Sendai, also known as the 'City of Trees,' where 70% of the course goes through areas impacted by a past tsunami. This 42.195 km route allows participants to witness the recovery process firsthand. This event not only supports the ongoing recovery of the Tohoku region but also extends a helping hand to those affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
03 11월, 2024 (일) - 09:10
42.195 km
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
This certified full marathon course spans across the cities of Sendai, Natori, and Iwanuma, with the majority of the course running through Sendai. The elevation difference is approximately 15 meters, with some gentle ups and downs until around the 10-kilometer mark, after which the course becomes mostly flat from 12 kilometers onward. About 70% of the course passes through areas that were flooded during the Great East Japan Earthquake, allowing runners to witness the ongoing reconstruction efforts as they run.
시작 지점
Koshin Gom Athlete Park Sendai, 2 Chome-11-6 Miyagino, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan완료 지점
Natori City Cultural Center, 柳田-520 Masuda, Natori, Miyagi, Japan코스 경로 지도
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버전: 10.6.0