이벤트 정보
The LGSA Classique is an adventure swim across Lake Geneva between Switzerland and France. Once a regular fixture on the FINA world cup circuit, this is the definitive open water swimming border-buster between Lausanne (CH) and Evian-les-Bains (FR).
Participants swim 13km across Lake Geneva (as the crow flies) in separate starts according to their average kilometre pace to give everyone the best swim possible. The team works hard on the event details and works with the local community at every level, from securing authorisation to providing safety on the water.
The LGSA Classique is not a race and welcomes swimmers with or without wetsuits.
Participants swim 13km across Lake Geneva (as the crow flies) in separate starts according to their average kilometre pace to give everyone the best swim possible. The team works hard on the event details and works with the local community at every level, from securing authorisation to providing safety on the water.
The LGSA Classique is not a race and welcomes swimmers with or without wetsuits.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
13 km
17 7월, 2024 (수)
13 km
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버전: 10.6.0