Robin Hood 100
에디션 기록
South Wheatley, Nottinghamshire, 영국
12 9월, 2026 (토)
이벤트 크기: (최대 200명까지 등록 가능)
트레일 러닝
100 mi
이벤트 정보
This a fully marked ultra on a nice underfoot, runnable and scenic trails. The route heads into Sherwood Forest to take in Robin Hood's homeland before returning back to South Wheatley. Relatively flat with no major climbs, just steady undulations on occasions makes it a fast course.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 78주 남았습니다
Robin Hood 100
12 9월, 2026 (토)
트레일 러닝
100 mi
From the hall you head out towards the Chesterfield Canal. Once the route hits the towpath runners simply follow this all the way Worksop to eventually join part of the Dukeries race route which enters into the heart of Sherwood Forest. Navigation on the canal could not be simpler as the towpath hugs the canal water. Once you hit the forest it will be well taped.
The race loops 30 miles in Sherwood Forest twice, before returning on the same towpath once again. The Dukeries lap offers some of Nottinghamshire’s most famous, finest and picturesque trail.
Following forest trails, minor roads and footpaths, the route passes charming lodges, through Creswell Crags and skirts the Welbeck Estate.
It then crosses Clumber Park and through peaceful farm land before looping back to pass by the Thoresby Estate before returning to the thick of the Forest again.
The route passes The Major Oak!
The return is made on the same Chesterfield Canal towpath to head back to the village hall for an easy navigational finish.
Clear marking will be in place throughout so you can enjoy the race with the vastly reduced risk of going off trail.
The race loops 30 miles in Sherwood Forest twice, before returning on the same towpath once again. The Dukeries lap offers some of Nottinghamshire’s most famous, finest and picturesque trail.
Following forest trails, minor roads and footpaths, the route passes charming lodges, through Creswell Crags and skirts the Welbeck Estate.
It then crosses Clumber Park and through peaceful farm land before looping back to pass by the Thoresby Estate before returning to the thick of the Forest again.
The route passes The Major Oak!
The return is made on the same Chesterfield Canal towpath to head back to the village hall for an easy navigational finish.
Clear marking will be in place throughout so you can enjoy the race with the vastly reduced risk of going off trail.
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버전: 10.7.4