Minocqua Northwoods Escape Marathon의 공식 등록 파트너
이벤트 정보
Ready to test your endurance and speed? Join us on the Bearskin/Hiawatha trails for an exhilarating marathon that starts near Billy Bob's Sports Bar on County Road L by Tomahawk, with a triumphant finish on the trestle in Minocqua. This course is officially certified for the Boston Marathon (ID # WI22019DM), providing a perfect opportunity for serious runners to qualify. The race kicks off with a thrilling gun start, ensuring the same start time for every participant.Prefer a shorter distance? The half marathon begins at the intersection of Lakewood Rd and the Bearskin Trail. For those aiming for a quicker challenge, the 5K starts in downtown Minocqua at Torpy Park, looping around the lake to finish on the scenic Bearskin at the trestle.
Enhance your race experience with ON PACE RACE, offering pacers tailored to match your skill and ability level. Look for their banner at the start of the Marathon and Half Marathon, and connect with a pacer set to guide you towards achieving your personal best.
Enhance your race experience with ON PACE RACE, offering pacers tailored to match your skill and ability level. Look for their banner at the start of the Marathon and Half Marathon, and connect with a pacer set to guide you towards achieving your personal best.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 11주 남았습니다
25 5월, 2025 (일) - 07:00
트레일 러닝
26.2 mi
Marathon Relay 2 member teams
25 5월, 2025 (일) - 07:00
트레일 러닝
26.2 mi
릴레이 (2)
Marathon Relay 3-5 member teams
25 5월, 2025 (일) - 07:00
트레일 러닝
42.195 km
릴레이 (3-5)
Half Marathon
25 5월, 2025 (일) - 07:30
트레일 러닝
13.1 mi
25 5월, 2025 (일) - 08:00
트레일 러닝
5 km
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
All races start and finish in Bearskin park near the trestle downtown Minocqua.
시작 지점
Minocqua, United States of America완료 지점
Minocqua, United States of America코스 경로 지도
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지금 등록하세요Minocqua Northwoods Escape Marathon
가격 시작
41 USD
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버전: 10.5.3